Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Harajuku Fashion

This unique fashion makes me always interest and curios~!
Even the style isn't "usual", but it takes much attention from many people all over the world. Not except, Me! Lol.. ;D . So, i collected some information about Harajuku Fashion. Hope this will be useful for you, guys~! ^^v .

Harajuku (原宿 “meadow lodging”) in Japan refers to an area around Harajuku train station. Harajuku style is a japanese fashion adopted by the teenagers and young adults in the area and its side streets which have many boutiques, trendy stores and used clothes shops.

Harajuku Fashion - Youth Culture
The term “Harajuku Girls” has been used by English-language media to describe teenagers dressed in any fashion style who are in the area of Harajuku.
Japanese Harajuku Girls and Harajuku Style has been used to describe teens dressed in many fashion styles ranging from Gothic Lolita (also gothic loli) Visual Kei, Ganguro, Gyaru, Kogal, to "cute" Kawaii style clothing.
Young adults in Harajuku may also be dressed as anime or manga characters (known as cosplay). They may also be dressed as characters from an anime, movie, or manga (known as cosplay).

In the 1980s large numbers of street performers and wildly dressed teens including takenoko-zoku (竹の子族, “bamboo-shoot kids”) gathered on Omotesandō and the street that passes through Yoyogi Park on Sundays when the streets were closed to traffic. The streets were reopened to traffic in the 90s, and a great number of teens stopped gathering there. Today there are still teenagers hanging out in Harajuku, mostly on the bridge across the train tracks from Harajuku station to Yoyogi Park.

Harajuku Fashion Omote-sando
The broad, tree-lined avenue leading downhill from the southern end of the JR Harajuku station is Omote-sandō (表参道). This is the other side to Harajuku fashion and its challenge to Shibuya and Ginza. Not only is the street full of cafes and clothing boutiques, but now features the very up market Omote-sando Hills. This very stylish centre is full of the who's who of the world fashion brands.

All About Christmas

I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.
- Harlan Miller

Christmas is coming soon~.
I always love Christmas season..
I can see many Christmas trees and the ornaments in shops, Church, and some other places.
Even my country doesn't have Winter season or snow falls..

My Japanese friend shared some photos of Christmas tree in Namba-Osaka..
So cute and pretty~!
Like this one..

Isn't it so cute? Haha~.. :p .

I have a short Christmas poem that i found in a web..

Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.

*Christmas Gift Suggestions by Oren Arnold is a short and sweet poem, highlighting the true gifts one should give to different kind of relations in your life.

Have a full of happiness Christmas, everyone! <(^-^)/~ .

Where are You, God ?

Seorang gadis duduk termenung di sudut dekat jendela.

Sinar matahari pagi menerobos tirai jendela yang transparan, lalu ia membuka tirainya sedikit untuk melihat matahari pagi itu. Matanya menyipit ketika melihat silaunya sinar matahari itu..

Ia berusaha mengangkat tangan untuk meraihnya, tapi terlalu jauh untuk dijangkau.

Dalam hati ia bertanya, "Tuhan, apakah Engkau ada di sana? Begitu jauh dan tak tahu di sebelah mana?"

Suara Tuhan terdengar begitu jelas menjawab di dalam hati gadis itu, "Aku ada di sebelahmu.. Selalu ada di dekatmu."

Gadis itu sangat terkejut mendengar suara Tuhan yang begitu jelas dalam hatinya.

Ia ingin menangis tapi tertahan oleh perasaannya yang sakit.

Ia tersadar sekarang..

Seringkali ia merasa Tuhan terlalu jauh untuk dijangkau dan mengapa jawaban atas doa-doanya belum terkabul.

Setiap persoalan yang menghimpit di pikiran dan hatinya.

Ia merasa tidak bebas, ada beban yang selalu dibawa.

Tapi, saat ini gadis itu tersadar dengan sangat..

Ia memohon ampun kepada Tuhan.

Tuhan tidak pernah merancangkan yang jahat..

Ia bahkan tahu kebutuhan semua orang sebelum mereka minta.

Sebenarnya Tuhan selalu ada di dekat kita.

Hanya terkadang kita terlalu jenuh untuk menunggu dan lelah berharap.

Tuhan selalu menyertai, Ia tak pernah jauh dari kita..

Hanya kita yang menjauh daripada-Nya.

Jadi jangan pernah putus asa.

Tetaplah berdoa, berharap, dan berusaha. Semua indah pada waktu-Nya.
