Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

♥ Pray for Japan ♥

Let's pray for Japan..
Hope their country will get well soon after big earthquake and tsunami hit.
Because nothing is impossible for God.
Keep in faith.. がんばってね~!

Justin Bieber - PRAY
Ohh Ohh Ohh .. and I pray
I just cant sleep tonight.
Knowing that things aint right.
Its in the papers, its on the tv, its everywhere that I go.
Children are crying.
Soldiers are dying
Some people don't have a home
But I know there's sunshine behind that rain
I know there's good times behind that pain, hey
Can you tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray

I lose my appetite, knowing kids starve tonight.
And when I sit up, cause my dinner is still on my plate.
Ooo I got a vision, to make a difference.
And its starting today.

Cause I know there's sunshine behind that rain
I know there's good times behind that pain, hey

Haven`t tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day

I close my eyes and pray
For the broken-hearted.
I pray for the life not started
I pray for all the ones not breathing.
I pray for all the souls in need.
I pray. Can you give em one today.
I just cant sleep tonight
Can someone tell how to make a change?

I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and I pray

I pray ..

I close my eyes and pray

"Pray" by Justin Bieber is currently (week 11, 2011) in the HOT100 Billboard charts at position 90. The Pray lyrics by Justin Bieber are displayed below. To play the Pray video copy-paste the web html below :

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

My Fave K-Boyband ♥C.N.BLUE (씨엔블루)♥

Record Label:
F&C Music
CNBLUE is a South Korean band under F&C Music, consisting of 4 members. They first made their debut in Japan on the 19th August 2009, followed by their debut in Korea on the 15th January 2010 ♥


♥ Name: Jung Yong Hwa (정용화)
Birthdate: 22/06/1989
Position: Leader, Guitar & Vocal
Height: 180cm
Weight: 63kg
Blood Type: A

♥ Name: Lee Jong Hyun (이종현)
Birthdate: 15/05/1990
Position: Guitar & Vocal
Height: 182cm
Weight: 64kg
Blood Type: O

♥ Name: Kang Min Hyuk (강민혁)
Birthdate: 28/06/1991
Position: Drummer
Height: 184cm
Weight: 60kg
Blood Type: A

♥ Name: Lee JungShin (이정신)
Birthdate: 15/09/1991
Position: Bassist
Height: 186cm
Weight: 66kg
Blood Type: A
He replaced former member Kwon KwangJin!

♥ Former Member - Kwon KwangJin (권광진)
Birthdate: 12/08/1992
Height: 180cm
Bloodtype: AB

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Arti Nama Dalam Bahasa Korea

Kalau kalian ingin mempunyai nama Korea silahkan ikuti rumusan dibawah ini :

Formula Nama Korea = Surname + Middle Name + Name

* Surname : is the last number in your year of birth
* Middle name : is your month of birth
* Name : is your date of birth


- 0: Park
- 1: Kim
- 2: Shin
- 3: Choi
- 4: Song
- 5: Kang
- 6: Han
- 7: Lee
- 8: Sung
- 9: Jung

Middle Name

- 1: Yong
- 2: Ji
- 3: Je
- 4: Hye
- 5: Dong
- 6: Sang
- 7: Ha
- 8: Hyo
- 9: Soo
- 10: Eun
- 11: Hyun
- 12: Rae


- 1: Hwa
- 2: Woo
- 3: Joon
- 4: Hee
- 5: Kyo
- 6: Kyung
- 7: Wook
- 8: Jin
- 9: Jae
- 10: Hoon
- 11: Ra
- 12: Bin
- 13: Sun
- 14: Ri
- 15: Soo
- 16: Rim
- 17: Ah
- 18: Ae
- 19: Neul
- 20: Mun
- 21: In
- 22: Mi
- 23: Ki
- 24: Sang
- 25: Byung
- 26: Seok
- 27: Gun
- 28: Yoo
- 29: Sup
- 30: Won
- 31: Sub

Contoh :
Lahir : 1977 - 05 - 18
Nama Koreanya : Lee Dong Ae ( 이동애 )

Manfaat Cuka Apel

* MENURUNKAN KEGEMUKAN ( Obesitas ) Oleh : Cyrill Scott in Apple Cider vinegar

Campurkan 1 sendok makan CA ke dalam 1 gelas air , diminum 3 x sehari sebelum makan. Khusus untuk pagi , hendaknya diminum pagi-pagi sekali sebelum makan.
Hindari makanan yang banyak mengandung garam, perbanyak makan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan segar, sering menghirup nafas dalam-dalam, olah raga secara teratur dan seimbang.

* MENINGKATKAN BERAT BADAN ( Weight Gain ) Refrence : Healing Leterature Journal

Campurkan 2 sendok makan Cuka Apel kedalam 1 gelas air matang , tambahkan 2 sendok makan madu, di minum 3 kali sehari.

* THERAPY GINJAL DAN KANDUNG KEMIH Refrence : Healing Leterature Journal

Sesuai fungsi Cuka Apel sebagai Eliminative/Pembersih, ginjal dan kandung kemih akan mendapatkan efek Flushing/pembilas bila mengkonsumsi Cuka Apel sebagai teraphy.
Campurkan 2 sendok makan Cuka Apel kedalam 1 gelas air matang dan diminum 6 kali sehari. Akan sangat bermanfaat bila beberapa gelas diminum pada pagi hari.

* PENCEGAHAN RAMBUT RONTOK Refrence : Healing Leterature Journal

Rambut rontok diakibatkan karena jaringan akar rambut kekurangan potasium atau beberapa mineral lainnya, dengan mengkonsumsi Cuka Apel akan memperbaiki keseimbangan kebutuhan mineral yang dibutuhkan rambut dengan therapy.

Campurkan 1 sendok makan Cuka Apel kedalam 1 gelas air matang, diminum setelah makan atau diantara waktu makan. Atau dapat juga diikuti dengan pencegahan dari luar dengan campurkan 1 sendok makan Cuka Apel kedalam 1 gelas air matang aduk sampai rata, celupkan sisir kedalam larutan tersebut, lalu sisirkan kerambut secara pelan-pelan dan merata , biarkan selama 15 menit kemudian bilas sampai bersih.

* PENYEMBUHAN AMBIEN ( Hemorrhages )

Refrence : Healing Leterature Journal
Cuka Apel akan membantu membekukan darah secara mudah, penderita ambien yang telah sampai menimbulkan pendarahan , dianjurkan minum 2 sendok makan Cuka Apel yang dicampur dengan 1 gelas air matang , diminum pada waktu makan 3 kali sehari.
Untuk therapy bagian luar, oleskan/kompreskan pada bagian luka ambien dengan kapas yang dibasahi dengan CA 1 sendok makan yang dicampur dengan 1 gelas air matang.

* PENYEMBUHAN VARISES ( Varicose Veins ) Oleh : Healing Alternative Medicine

Urut bagian yang mengalami varises/sakit dengan Cuka Apel ( tanpa dicampur air ). Cara mengurutnya harus mengarah kebagian jantung. Misalnya bagian yang nyeri ada di lutut, urutlah dari arah bawah/dari pergelangan kaki mengarah ke atas / ke paha. Sangat diajurkan waktu mengurut sebaiknya pagi dan malam hari.

* MENCEGAH MIGRAIN ( Sakit Kepala Kronis ) Refrence : Apple Cider vinegar Literature by Cyrill Scott

Campurkan 2 sendok makan Cuka Apel kedalam 1 gelas air matang pada setiap makan, ketika migrain sedang menyerang, campurkan cuka apel kedalam air dengan perbandingan 1 : 1 , lalu didihkan campuran tersebut, hirup uapnya sebanyak 75-80 kali.

* PERAWATAN GIGI DAN PELARUT NICOTIN Refrence : Apple Cider vinegar Literature by Cyrill Scott

Sebagai fungsi membantu metabolisme kalsium dalam tubuh, maka Cuka Apel sangat bagus untuk kesehatan gigi dan pelarut nicotin bagi perokok pada lapisan gigi. Campurkan 1 satu sendok makan CA pada 1 gelas air, gunakan untuk kumur dan gosok gigi. Dianjurkan juga minum 3 x sehari dari campuran 2 sdk mkn CA dengan 1 gelas air.

* MENGEMBALIKAN TUBUH DARI KELELAHAN KRONIS (Fatigue) Refrence : Food Pharmacy By Jean carper

Campurkan 2 sendok makan Cuka Apel pada 2 sendok makan madu murni, minum sebelum tidur. Buat campuran 4 sendok Cuka Apel kedalam ½ gelas air, usapkan larutan tersebut pada bahu, lengan, dada, perut, punggung dan paha sampai campuran tersebut meresap dalam kulit (jangan dilap dengan kain kering/handuk).
Untuk campuran di Bathup mandi, campurkan 1 botol Cuka Apel dalam air di bathup, kemudian berendamlah sekurang-kurangnya selama 15 menit.

* PENCEGAHAN SAKIT TENGGOROKAN DAN AMANDEL Refrence : Food Pharmacy by Jean Carper

Campurkan 4 sendok makan CA kedalam 1 gelas air, berkumurlah dengan larutan itu beberapa saat setiap jam kemudian telanlah, jika rasa sakitnya berkurang ulangi berkumur setiap 2 – 3 jam sekali.

* MINUMAN SEHAT SAAT SANTAI SBG PENGGANTI TEH ATAU KOPI Oleh : Ir. Nurhadi Chemical Eng. Kelion Equatrorial Mining

Tambahkan 2 sendok makan Cuka Apel dan gula/syrup secukupnya pada segelas air, lebih segar bila disajikan dalam keadaan dingin atau tambahkan es batu.

* MENCEGAH KERACUNAN MAKANAN/ALERGI Oleh : Tiny Lugman Luntong dalam Rahasia Cuka apel sebagai Obat

Siapkan campuran 2 sendok makan Cuka Apel dengan 1 gelas air, minum sebelum makan makanan yang diyakini bisa menimbulkan alergi atau sebagai pencegah kemungkinan terjadi keracunan.

* MENGURANGI GANGGUAN ASTMA Oleh : Tiny Lugman Luntong dalam Rahasia cuka apel sebagai Obat

Campurkan 1 sendok makan CA pada 1 gelas air, diminum/dihirup sedikit-sedikit selama 1/2 jam. Setelah 1/2 jam berlalu, perlakuan tersebut diulangi lagi sampai bunyi ngik-ngiknya/nafas yang tersengal-sengal menghilang. Jika rasa tersengal masih ada, dapat diminum gelas ke dua dari campuran yang sama dengan cara minum seperti semula. Diikuti dengan menarik nafas dalam-dalam akan sangat membantu penyembuhan tersebut.

* MENANGGULANGI KEHILANGAN DARAH Refrence : Rubrik Surabaya Pagi Alternative Madicine

Pada saat aliran darah seseorang yang bersifat persistent, tiba-tiba mengeluarkan darah dari hidung (Mimisan) tanpa sebab yang diketahuinya, segera ditanggulangi dengan meminum campuran 2 sendok Cuka Apel dengan air sebanyak 3 kali sehari.
Sedangkan kehilangan darah pada saat buang air besar akibat radang usus besar ( Colitis ) dapat diatasi dengan minum campuran 2 sendok Cuka Apel dan 2 sendok madu murni dengan air 1 gelas air , diminum 3 kali sehari.

* MENCEGAH GANGGUAN MATA Refrence : Rubrik Surabaya Pagi Altyernative Madicine

Mata Berair pada Usia Lanjut :
Campurkan 4 sendok makan Cuka Apel dengan air 1 gelas, tetesi 2 ml larutan iodium, minum 1 kali sehari pada saat makan selama 2 minggu.
Mata Capek/sakit :
Campurkan 2 sendok makan Cuka Apel dan 2 sendok makan madu murni kedalam 1 gelas air, minum campuran tersebut sebanyak 3 kali sehari.

di kutip dari

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Itsuka No Merry Christmas

When i heard this song for the first time..
I fell in love with this song~!
My fave one is Ayumi Hamasaki version.. :) .
Hope u'll like it too~..
Season greetings! Merry X'mas to everyone..
Xoxo.. :D .
I shared the Youtube video link :


Romaji :

Yukkuri to juunigatsu no akari ga
Awatadashiku odoru machi wo
Daremo ga suki ni naru

Boku wa hashiri heiten magiwa
Kimi no hoshigatta isu wo katta
Nimotsu kakae densha no naka
Hitori de shiawase datta

Itsu mademo te wo tsunaide
Irareru you na ki ga shite ita
Nanimo ka mo ga kirameite
Gamushara ni yume wo oikaketa

Yorokobi mo kanashimi mo zenbu
Wakachiau hi ga kuru koto
Omotte hohoemiatte iru
Iroaseta itsuka no merii kurisumasu

Utainagara senrobiroi wo ie e to sukoshi isoida
Doa wo aketa kimi wa isogashiku
Yuushoku wo tsukutte ita

Hokorashige ni purezento miseru to
Kimi wa kokoro kara yorokonde
Sono kao wo mita boku mo mata
Sunao ni kimi wo dakishimeta

Itsumademo te wo tsunaide
Irareru you na ki ga shite ita
Nanimo ka mo ga kirameite
Gamushara ni yume wo oikaketa

Kimi ga inaku naru koto wo
Hajimete kowai to omotta
Hito wo ai suru to iu koto ni
Ki ga tsuita itsuka no merii kurisumasu

Heya wo someru rousoku no akari wo minagara
Hanareru koto wa nai to
Itta ato de kyuu ni boku wa
Naze da ka wakarazu naita

Itsumademo te wo tsunaide
Irareru you na ki ga shite ita
Nanimo ka mo ga kirameite
Gamushara ni yume wo oikaketa

Kimi ga inaku naru koto wo
Hajimete kowai to omotta
Hito wo ai suru to iu koto ni
Ki ga tsuita itsuka no merii kurisumasu

Tachidomatteru boku no soba wo dareka ga ashibaya ni
Toorisugiru nimotsu wo kakae shiawasesou na kao de

English :

The lights of December
Are slowly lit
And everyone comes to love
This frenetically dancing town

I rushed to the shops right before they closed
And bought the chair you wanted
Alone on the train, holding my package
I was happy

I felt like we could
Hold hands forever
Everything was sparkling
As we chased our dreams without a care

We smile at each other
As we think of how the day will come
When we’ll share all of both our happiness and our sadness
A merry Christmas one faded day

I sang as I followed the tracks to your house, hurrying a little
When you opened the door
You were busy making dinner

When I proudly showed you your present
You were happy from the bottom of your heart
At the sight of your face
I came right out and held you again

I felt like we could
Hold hands forever
Everything was sparkling
As we chased our dreams without a care

For the first time
I was afraid of losing you
A merry Christmas one day
When I realised what it was like to love somebody

Watching the light of the candles that lit up the room
I said we’d never be apart
And then suddenly
I cried, without even knowing why

I felt like we could
Hold hands forever
Everything was sparkling
As we chased our dreams without a care

For the first time
I was afraid of losing you
A merry Christmas one day
When I realised what it was like to love somebody

As I stand still someone hurries past me
Carrying their luggage with a happy face

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Harajuku Fashion

This unique fashion makes me always interest and curios~!
Even the style isn't "usual", but it takes much attention from many people all over the world. Not except, Me! Lol.. ;D . So, i collected some information about Harajuku Fashion. Hope this will be useful for you, guys~! ^^v .

Harajuku (原宿 “meadow lodging”) in Japan refers to an area around Harajuku train station. Harajuku style is a japanese fashion adopted by the teenagers and young adults in the area and its side streets which have many boutiques, trendy stores and used clothes shops.

Harajuku Fashion - Youth Culture
The term “Harajuku Girls” has been used by English-language media to describe teenagers dressed in any fashion style who are in the area of Harajuku.
Japanese Harajuku Girls and Harajuku Style has been used to describe teens dressed in many fashion styles ranging from Gothic Lolita (also gothic loli) Visual Kei, Ganguro, Gyaru, Kogal, to "cute" Kawaii style clothing.
Young adults in Harajuku may also be dressed as anime or manga characters (known as cosplay). They may also be dressed as characters from an anime, movie, or manga (known as cosplay).

In the 1980s large numbers of street performers and wildly dressed teens including takenoko-zoku (竹の子族, “bamboo-shoot kids”) gathered on Omotesandō and the street that passes through Yoyogi Park on Sundays when the streets were closed to traffic. The streets were reopened to traffic in the 90s, and a great number of teens stopped gathering there. Today there are still teenagers hanging out in Harajuku, mostly on the bridge across the train tracks from Harajuku station to Yoyogi Park.

Harajuku Fashion Omote-sando
The broad, tree-lined avenue leading downhill from the southern end of the JR Harajuku station is Omote-sandō (表参道). This is the other side to Harajuku fashion and its challenge to Shibuya and Ginza. Not only is the street full of cafes and clothing boutiques, but now features the very up market Omote-sando Hills. This very stylish centre is full of the who's who of the world fashion brands.

All About Christmas

I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.
- Harlan Miller

Christmas is coming soon~.
I always love Christmas season..
I can see many Christmas trees and the ornaments in shops, Church, and some other places.
Even my country doesn't have Winter season or snow falls..

My Japanese friend shared some photos of Christmas tree in Namba-Osaka..
So cute and pretty~!
Like this one..

Isn't it so cute? Haha~.. :p .

I have a short Christmas poem that i found in a web..

Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.

*Christmas Gift Suggestions by Oren Arnold is a short and sweet poem, highlighting the true gifts one should give to different kind of relations in your life.

Have a full of happiness Christmas, everyone! <(^-^)/~ .